Adobe Photoshop Cloud

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Find the solution for your cloud document error code

Cloud documents are Adobe's new cloud-native document file type that can be accessed online or offline directly from within the Photoshop application. Cloud documents can be accessed across devices while your edits are automatically saved through the cloud. To learn more about cloud documents, see What are cloud documents. Manage your Adobe Account profile, password, security options, product and service subscriptions, privacy settings, and communication preferences. Broad steps to boost performance. In general, you should take a holistic approach to optimizing.

Follow these steps to resolve errors when working with cloud documents.


Download Error or File Not Found - Error when you click on a non-cached cloud document to download and open from the 'Recent' section of the Home Screen or select a cloud document from the File > Open Recent... menu.

Switch from 'Home' tab to the 'Cloud documents' tab in the lefthand column of the home screen. (Screenshot below)


Go to File > Open... and browse cloud documents.


networkError - The cloud documents system has detected that your computer is either not connected to a network or the connection is intermittent. Normally this results in cloud documents falling back into offline mode.

You can determine if your computer is operating in offline mode by going to the Home screen > Cloud Documents and seeing if either the offline banner or cloud icon with x is displayed in this screen.

If your computer is displaying the Cloud Document organizer in online mode and you are getting this error dialog from the application please follow the steps outlined here: Resolve connection errors


noInternetConnection - The cloud documents system has detected that your computer is either not connected to a network or the connection is intermittent. Normally this results in cloud documents falling back into offline mode. In this case the application thinks you are trying to operate on a document that is online only.

If you are getting this error dialog from the application please follow the steps outlined here - you are getting this error dialog from the application please follow the steps outlined here: Resolve connection errors

Editing a cloud document while device is offline


operatingOnOnlineOnlyAssetWhileDeviceIsOffline - The cloud documents system has detected that your computer is either not connected to a network or the connection is intermittent. Normally this results in cloud documents falling back into offline mode. In this case the application thinks you are trying to edit a document that is online only.

If you are getting this error dialog from the application please follow the steps outlined here - you are getting this error dialog from the application please follow the steps outlined here: Resolve connection errors


syncingFailed - The application is attempting to synchronize changes either made locally back to the cloud or changes in the cloud back to the local computer. Due to either a non performing or disconnected internet connection it was not able to sync the changes.

Please check your internet connection by following the steps outlined here: Resolve connection errors

If you think the internet connection is fine and you still receive this error please try quitting Photoshop then stopping your coresync process (Either by using Activity Monitor on macOS or Task Manager on Windows).

After stopping the coresync process, launch Photoshop and see if the error persists. If so, please Contact Adobe Customer Care.


requestTimedOut - The cloud documents system is either not connected to the internet or the connection is intermittent.

  1. Retry the operation that failed. Sometimes the request fails due to slow internet connection. Retrying again will often succeed.
  2. Please check your internet connection by following the steps outlined here: Resolve connection errors.
  3. If you think the internet connection is fine and you still receive this error please try quitting Photoshop then stopping your coresync process (Either by using Activity Monitor on macOS or Task Manager on Windows).

After stopping the coresync process, launch Photoshop and see if the error persists. If so, please Contact Adobe Customer Care.


userBlackListedPleaseContactSupport – Adobe has suspended your account due to violation of the terms of service.


genericRetriableError - An unknown error has occurred

Please retry and see if it succeeds. If you continue to get this failure, quit and restart Photoshop. If it continues, rebooting your computer may be required.

fullCloudStorage - Your cloud storage is full.

You can free space by permanently deleting documents several ways. In the Home Screen > Cloud Documents > Deleted location, select one or multiple documents to delete permanently. Note: Deleting from the Cloud documents location of the home screen just moves them into your deleted folder. You must permanently delete them (from the deleted area) in order to free up storage space.

loggedInUserLimitExceeded - Adobe has determined that you have exceeded the maximum sign-ins/activations allowed to Creative Cloud.

To get to an acceptable number of sign-ins/activations please follow the steps outlined here: Creative Cloud 'Activation limit reached' or 'Sign-in failed' error

Adobe Photoshop Cloud Brushes


outOfBounds - You've exceeded the number of items allowed in a single folder.

Delete or move items into another folder in order to access them.

Cannot perform an operation when your assets are not in sync


cannotPerformOpWhenAssetNotInSync - The operation you are trying to perform can not be started when a document is in the middle of syncing changes to or from the cloud.

Please wait for the sync operation to complete then try it again. Sync operations will vary in time based on the size of the document and network performance.


conflictOfSamePathOrName - Two documents can not have the same name in the same folder.

In the case of 1 item temporarily having the same name as another, the system will rename one of the documents to a unique name.

Once the rename is complete the cloud documents system will refresh to show the unique name and you can try your operation again.

This situation happens only when 1 document is in the cloud and the other is a locally synced document.

An Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) account is available to all Penn State students as well as faculty and staff members, at no additional cost! Through the full suite of Adobe CC products, you have access to a host of creative tools for digital imaging, design, web, and video, as well as online services including 20GB of storage.

With these creative tools, students can grow beyond simply understanding how to use technology tools and instead become fluent digital creators. Similarly, Adobe CC programs allow faculty to innovate in the classroom, and enhance course curricula while staff can support the community of teaching and learning with powerful creative applications. Best of all, the latest updates and new features are available as soon as they're released.

Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud Download

In addition to Adobe Creative Cloud, Penn State has a limited number of Adobe Stock Credits that are available to faculty, students, and staff on a first-come-first-served basis. Use of licensed Adobe Stock assets are limited to Adobe's license restrictions.

Visit Penn State's Adobe Stock page to learn more and to request access to Adobe Stock.

Adobe Scholarships and Mentorships

Heads up, design students: a new scholarship and mentorship offering from Adobe. 10 annual scholarships offered, up to $25,000 per year—open to new college applicants or those already enrolled. Applications are now being accepted.

Adobe Design Achievement Awards

The Adobe Awards are the world's premier digital media competition for students and emerging creators. Get exposure to creative leaders and influencers, connect with other young artists and designers, and learn what it takes to land today's most coveted creative jobs.

Adobe Scholarships and Mentorships

Heads up, design students: a new scholarship and mentorship offering from Adobe. 10 annual scholarships offered, up to $25,000 per year—open to new college applicants or those already enrolled. Applications are now being accepted.

Adobe Design Achievement Awards

The Adobe Design Achievement Awards are the world's premier digital media competition for students and emerging creators. Get exposure to creative leaders and influencers, connect with other young artists and designers, and learn what it takes to land today's most coveted creative jobs.

Opportunities from
Teaching and Learning
with Technology
and Media Commons

Opportunities from Teaching and Learning with Technology
and Media Commons

What Happens When I Graduate?

You will be able to take all of your content with you by migrating your content from your school account to a new personal account. Please be advised that you will not be able to reverse this migration once it is initiated.

Visit to get started.

+ an Added Graduation Bonus

To empower you to create a personal website and showcase your work online, Adobe is announcing an update to give its creative community the support it needs. Portfolio is now free for one year for all recent college graduates.

Adobe Photoshop Cloud

genericRetriableError - An unknown error has occurred

Please retry and see if it succeeds. If you continue to get this failure, quit and restart Photoshop. If it continues, rebooting your computer may be required.

fullCloudStorage - Your cloud storage is full.

You can free space by permanently deleting documents several ways. In the Home Screen > Cloud Documents > Deleted location, select one or multiple documents to delete permanently. Note: Deleting from the Cloud documents location of the home screen just moves them into your deleted folder. You must permanently delete them (from the deleted area) in order to free up storage space.

loggedInUserLimitExceeded - Adobe has determined that you have exceeded the maximum sign-ins/activations allowed to Creative Cloud.

To get to an acceptable number of sign-ins/activations please follow the steps outlined here: Creative Cloud 'Activation limit reached' or 'Sign-in failed' error

Adobe Photoshop Cloud Brushes


outOfBounds - You've exceeded the number of items allowed in a single folder.

Delete or move items into another folder in order to access them.

Cannot perform an operation when your assets are not in sync


cannotPerformOpWhenAssetNotInSync - The operation you are trying to perform can not be started when a document is in the middle of syncing changes to or from the cloud.

Please wait for the sync operation to complete then try it again. Sync operations will vary in time based on the size of the document and network performance.


conflictOfSamePathOrName - Two documents can not have the same name in the same folder.

In the case of 1 item temporarily having the same name as another, the system will rename one of the documents to a unique name.

Once the rename is complete the cloud documents system will refresh to show the unique name and you can try your operation again.

This situation happens only when 1 document is in the cloud and the other is a locally synced document.

An Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) account is available to all Penn State students as well as faculty and staff members, at no additional cost! Through the full suite of Adobe CC products, you have access to a host of creative tools for digital imaging, design, web, and video, as well as online services including 20GB of storage.

With these creative tools, students can grow beyond simply understanding how to use technology tools and instead become fluent digital creators. Similarly, Adobe CC programs allow faculty to innovate in the classroom, and enhance course curricula while staff can support the community of teaching and learning with powerful creative applications. Best of all, the latest updates and new features are available as soon as they're released.

Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud Download

In addition to Adobe Creative Cloud, Penn State has a limited number of Adobe Stock Credits that are available to faculty, students, and staff on a first-come-first-served basis. Use of licensed Adobe Stock assets are limited to Adobe's license restrictions.

Visit Penn State's Adobe Stock page to learn more and to request access to Adobe Stock.

Adobe Scholarships and Mentorships

Heads up, design students: a new scholarship and mentorship offering from Adobe. 10 annual scholarships offered, up to $25,000 per year—open to new college applicants or those already enrolled. Applications are now being accepted.

Adobe Design Achievement Awards

The Adobe Awards are the world's premier digital media competition for students and emerging creators. Get exposure to creative leaders and influencers, connect with other young artists and designers, and learn what it takes to land today's most coveted creative jobs.

Adobe Scholarships and Mentorships

Heads up, design students: a new scholarship and mentorship offering from Adobe. 10 annual scholarships offered, up to $25,000 per year—open to new college applicants or those already enrolled. Applications are now being accepted.

Adobe Design Achievement Awards

The Adobe Design Achievement Awards are the world's premier digital media competition for students and emerging creators. Get exposure to creative leaders and influencers, connect with other young artists and designers, and learn what it takes to land today's most coveted creative jobs.

Opportunities from
Teaching and Learning
with Technology
and Media Commons

Opportunities from Teaching and Learning with Technology
and Media Commons

What Happens When I Graduate?

You will be able to take all of your content with you by migrating your content from your school account to a new personal account. Please be advised that you will not be able to reverse this migration once it is initiated.

Visit to get started.

+ an Added Graduation Bonus

To empower you to create a personal website and showcase your work online, Adobe is announcing an update to give its creative community the support it needs. Portfolio is now free for one year for all recent college graduates.

Adobe Photoshop Free

Visit to learn more.

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